Hyper-Stick 2000

Manufactured by GIP Materials Engineering (Millhaven and Clarkson)

Liquid anti-stripping additive supplied from the Toronto terminals, Clarkson Plant, and Kingston Millhaven Plants. MTO specifies for PGAC 58-28 min. 0.75%; PGAC 58-34 min. 1.00% and PGAC 52-34 min. 0.75%.

Pavements | Asphaltic | Antistripping Additives

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use MTO DSM

Steve Manolis, Executive Vice President
GIP Materials Engineering, A Division of GIP Paving Inc.
949 Wilson Avenue
Toronto ON M3K 1G2
Phone: 416-633-9670 x1103
Cellular: 416-708-5468
Fax: 416-633-5318