Regional Municipality of Durham

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 4 - Sewers for Sanitary Waste and Stormwater
4.70 - Sanitary Sewers and Forcemains
4.72 - Storm Sewers
19 - Culvert Pipe
28 - Fittings
48 - Maintenance Hole and Catch Basin Adjustment Units
50 - Maintenance Hole, Catch Basin and Ditch Inlet Frames & Grates / Covers
51 - Maintenance Hole Safety Platforms and Grates
52 - Maintenance Hole Safety Steps
53 - Precast Catch Basins
54 - Precast Ditch Inlet Catch Basins
55 - Precast Ditch Inlet Maintenance Holes
56 - Precast Maintenance Holes - Precast Maintenance Hole Components (MH & CBMH)
57 - Precast Maintenance Hole Tees
58 - Precast Oil & Grit Separator
62 - Sewer Pipe
 6 - Electrical Work
6.83 - Traffic Signal System
 7 - Watermains
7.95 - Water Systems