Company Name : Marathon Equipment Inc.

Company Type: Manufacturer, Distributor

Marathon Equipment Inc has been a leading name in the manufacture of quality road maintenance equipment! Unlike other manufacturers we believe everyone’s business is unique, and so should their equipment! We offer both standard and custom options to add onto your equipment to tailor your equipment to YOUR needs! Our equipment is custom built to order from start to finish! Marathon Equipment Inc prides ourselves in having a reputation for our long lasting equipment!

We manufacture equipment from crack filling, to pothole patching, waterproofing, tack coating, to driveway sealing & more! Proudly made in Canada, our entire full equipment line is designed and fabricated at our facility in Burlington, Ontario.

Marathon Equipment Inc. offers the following Products:

Mark Gibbs, Parts Manager
Marathon Equipment Inc.
4041 North Service Rd, Unit #2
Burlington ON L7L 4X6
Phone: 905-335-0000 x104
Other Phone: 905-335-0733

Jennifer Brasher, Sales Manager
Marathon Equipment Inc.
4041 North Service Rd, Unit #2
Burlington ON L7L 4X6
Phone: 905-335-0000 x102
Other Phone: 905-335-8500