Company Name : Hamilton Kent, Straub Couplings

Company Type: Manufacturer, Fabricator, Distributor

Hamilton Kent manufactures Straub pipe couplings under license from Straub Werke of Switzerland for the North American Market. We manufacture couplings for both Repair applications as well as for New Installations. We are uniquely suited for Stainless Steel Pipe applications but can be used on all variations of pipe including Ductile Iron, Steel, HDPE and PVC.

Brad Dunmore, Regional Sales Manager
Hamilton Kent, Straub Couplings
1235D Aerowood Drive
Mississauga ON L4W 1B9
Phone: 647-409-0363
Other Phone: 905-629-9114
Fax: 905-629-9116

Andrew Thurlow, Inside Technical Service
Hamilton Kent, Straub Couplings
1235D Aerowood Drive
Mississauga ON L4W 1B9
Phone: 905-629-9114
Other Phone: 647-409-0363
Fax: 905-629-9116