Lines, Durable, White - System 400, Code 415

Manufactured by Lafrentz Road Services (1999) Ltd.

Field reacted polymeric (2 component) extruded, permanent, durable, formed-in-place, pavement line, symbol and legend, white, surface and inlay applied.

Roadway | Delineation | Pavement Markings | Lines, Permanent Durable | Field Reacted Polymeric (2 component) Extruded

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use MTO DSM

Rob Wilkinson, President
Lafrentz Road Services (1999) Ltd.
1780 Ironstone Drive
Burlington ON L7L 5V3
Office: 905-336-2404 x27
Cellular: 905-330-9701
Fax: 905-336-8766