Magnesium Chloride, Solid, Deicer

Distributed by Innovative Surface Solutions LP
Brand: MAG®

MAG® Flake and MAG® Pellets of magnesium chloride hexahydrate, MgCl2 * 6H2O (47% by weight pure), white in colour are packaged in air tight 50 pound (Imperial measure) bags or 1 ton (Imperial measure) super sacks.

Chemicals / Bio-Chemicals | Snow & Ice Melt

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use

  • Ontario Provincial Standards

Greg Baun, President
Innovative Surface Solutions LP
78 Orchard Rd
Ajax ON L1S 6L1
Phone: 905-427-0318
Other Phone: 800-387-5777
Fax: 905-683-9444