Concrete Pressure Pipe - Non-Cylinder Reinforced (NCR C-302)

Manufactured by Rinker Materials (formerly Forterra Pipe and Precast)
Brand: AWWA C-302

Concrete standard pipe with one or more reinforcing cages and welded steel bell and spigot joint zinc-metallized coated rings encased in the concrete wall and rubber gasket. Pipe sizes 750 mm (30") to 3660 mm (144").

Drainage and Sewer Works | Storm Sewers, Culverts and Sub-Drains | Rigid Pipe | Concrete Pressure
Utility Works | Waterworks | Pipe | Concrete Pressure

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use Durham Region Approved Products List

Prequalification Lists: 
Regional Municipality of Durham - - Concrete Pressure Pipe (PDF)
Regional Municipality of Durham - - Concrete (PDF)
  • Other Standards
    • AWWA C302-11 - Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Noncylinder Type