PVC Gasketed Sewer Fittings

Distributed by Pro-Line Fittings East Inc.
Brand: Tigre

Our new Next Generation Fabricating Equipment draws on our teams consolidated innovative design experience. By designing and producing our own manufacturing equipment, Pro-Line manufactures fittings more efficiently and effectively; producing higher quality products than the competition, at extremely competitive pricing.

Pro-Line Fittings is certified to the following CSA standards:

CSA B 182.1 Sewer PSM 4" - 24"
CSA B 182.2 Sewer PSM 4" - 24"
CSA B 182.4 Profile Fittings 8" - 24"

Pro-Line Fittings also conforms to the following ASTM Standards:

ASTM D3034
ASTM F1336
ASTM F 794

Drainage and Sewer Works | Inlet Flow Control Devices
Drainage and Sewer Works | Sanitary Sewers | Pipe Accessories | Fittings | Non-Pressure
Drainage and Sewer Works | Storm Sewers, Culverts and Sub-Drains | Pipe Accessories | Fittings
Electrical, Illumination, Communications and Traffic Related Works | Conduit

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use Durham Region Approved Products List Region of Halton Prequalified Products List City of Hamilton Approved Products List

Prequalification Lists: 
Regional Municipality of Durham - - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (PDF)
Regional Municipality of Durham - - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (PDF)
Regional Municipality of Halton - - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) (PDF)
City of Hamilton - 2.10.01 - Sewer Pipe (PVC) Fittings - Injection Molded and Fabricated (PDF)