Verti-Crete Precast Concrete Panels

Manufactured by Verti-Crete Of Toronto Inc.
Brand: Verti-Crete of Toronto

Verti-Crete of Toronto specializes in manufacturing high-quality pre-cast concrete panels used for noise walls and low-profile panel retaining walls. Our advanced vertical pre-cast form system guarantees a flawless, durable, and cost-effective finish. Selected products also boast seamless finishes on both sides of the panels and around column corners, ensuring they can endure harsh weather conditions and heavy wear.

Our panels are versatile and can be manufactured to meet various construction applications.

For customized projects, integral color can be added directly to the concrete mix.

For more detailed information on our precast products, please visit our website at

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Structures and Structural | Retaining Walls

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use

Philip Di Palma, President
Verti-Crete Of Toronto
147 Luxton Way
Shelburne ON L9V 3M8
Phone: 226-525-1000
Fax: (905) 857-0865

Thomas Katsiamakis
Verti-Crete Of Toronto
147 Luxton Way
Shelburne ON L9V 3M8
Phone: 416-700-1984