OPSD 2112.010 Electrical Handhole Frame and Cover

Distributed by Conqueror Building Materials Inc.
Brand: MF, SUF and Exim P / CBMI

Electrical handhole gray cast iron casting, round frame (350 mm) and checkered tread cover mounted on top of electrical precast concrete handhole (300 mm diameter). Product markings: "MF" and "CBMI" (Conqueror Building Materials Inc.)

Electrical, Illumination, Communications and Traffic Related Works | Maintenance Holes, Handholes and Junction Boxes | Handholes

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use

Reuben Massey, President
Conqueror Building Materials Inc.
3392 Colonial Drive
Mississauga ON L5L 5B9
Phone: (416) 428-6697