CSS V-Wrap EG50B

Manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Canada, Limited
Brand: CSS V-Wrap

CSS V-Wrap EG50B is a bidirectional glass fiber fabric with fibers oriented in the 45°/45° direction. The CSS V-Wrap EG50B system
is field laminated using a two-part, 100% solids and high-strength CSS V-Wrap-approved structural adhesives to form a glass-fiber-
reinforced polymer (GFRP) system used to reinforce and strengthen structural elements

Structures and Structural | Restoration / Strengthening / Repair | Composite Systems

Doug McCutcheon, Strengthening Solutions Specialist
Simpson Strong-Tie Canada, Limited
5 Kenview Blvd.
Brampton ON L6T 5G5
Phone: (647) 465-2577
Other Phone: 800-465-1515
Fax: 905-458-7274