Company Name : Verti-Crete Of Toronto Inc.

Company Type: Manufacturer, Distributor, Supplier, Installer

Manufacturers of Pre-cast concrete products. (1) Privacy fences / noise attenuation barriers with a double sided appearance of natural stone. Our panels are 13' - 2" on c/c and are manufactured in a vertical pour system. Our panels can also be used to retain earth by adding epoxy rebar to the concrete core. Our column size is 20" x 20", and can be incorporated in a variety of fence designs. (2) Verti-Block retaining/gravity walls with a natural stone appearance. Our Verti-Block system is unique, using a male female interlock connection designed for a more efficient and precise installation. Our block also features a unique hollow core to be filled with crushed stone allowing flawless water drainage. Our products can be used in residential, commercial, roads and highway projects. All our products have been engineered.

Verti-Crete Of Toronto Inc. offers the following Products:

Philip Di Palma, President
Verti-Crete Of Toronto
147 Luxton Way
Shelburne ON L9V 3M8
Phone: 226-525-1000
Fax: (905) 857-0865

Thomas Katsiamakis
Verti-Crete Of Toronto
147 Luxton Way
Shelburne ON L9V 3M8
Phone: 416-700-1984